Research & Development
In the Coway R&D Center, an environmental technology research institute, and Coways’ environmental quality institute, design institute, and cosmetics institute, there are about 370 researchers who develop technologies to take care of all aspects of life. We have been focusing on developing sustainable and innovative technologies to preserve the values of clean and healthy water and air with our best researchers and state-of-the- art research facilities. Coway’s Smart technology evolves once again after being combined with the IoT (Internet of Things) and big data. We are creating a better world by analyzing water, air qualities and life patterns and providing customized solutions for customers.
Company that Studies Water, Air and People
항상 새로운 아이디어, 사람에 대한 인사이트, 진심을 알아주는 고객으로 업계 1위, 대한민국 브랜드 인지도 1위, 시가총액* 1위 기업이 되었습니다. 우리는 우리가 성취한 것에 대해 보상을 받습니다. 그러나 그것은 우리의 심장 박동을 유지하기에 충분하지 않습니다. 좋은 기술이 당신을 건강하게 합니까? 지금 우리가 하는 일이 가족을 오랫동안 행복하게 해 줄 수 있을까요? 이것이 우리가 보이지 않는 가치에 관심을 갖는 이유입니다. 정수기와 공기청정기가 아닌 물과 공기의 본질을 생각합니다. 우리는 물과 공기를 가장 잘 알고 있으며 돌봄을 제공할 수 있습니다. 우리는 사람을 건강하게 만드는 것이 우리가 가장 잘할 수 있는 일이라고 믿으며 진심을 다해 오늘도 세상에 도전합니다.
* 코웨이는 인터브랜드 2016 베스트 코리아 브랜드 브랜드 가치 성장 1위, 1위를 차지했습니다. 2015년 국내 시가총액 상위 500대 기업의 시가총액 증가율. (출처 : CEO스코어)
Technology Assets
We have developed a database on the world’s water and air quality in the environmental analysis center. We have an infrastructure that can reliably provide clean water and air at any time and any place. We address all water quality situations that change depending on geographical conditions and environment by collecting and analyzing the water samples from about 40 countries and developing our own ‘Coway World Water Map’.
Air quality varies depending on space. In an effort for customers to enjoy clean indoor air no matter where they are, we visit various places where customers actually live to analyze air quality through ‘IAQ(Indoor Air Quality) Field Test’. As of December 2015, we developed an index on 16 different types of air quality by collecting more than 100 million air quality data from about 1,300 households. The air quality index allows us to quantify the impact of pollutants on health and provide filters best customized for each customer’s needs.
Our passion to study water and air led to the launch of innovative products and patents. Coway holds 3,530 intellectual property rights in total (as of December, 2015), including more than 1,800 patents related to water and air.
Innovations in Daily Life, New Future Driven by Coway
1989년 설립 이후 물, 공기, 수면 등 삶의 모든 면을 배려한 제품과 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다. 시장을 창출하고 성장시키는 혁신을 바탕으로 시장점유율, 고객만족도, 브랜드가치 등에서 업계 1위를 달성했습니다.
Development & Certification of Eco-Friendly Products
In an effort to minimize our product’s impact on the environment, we take a lead in developing products that improve energy efficiency and reduce water use by using vacuum insulation materials and nano-trap filters. Our efforts to develop eco-friendly products and services and reduce energy use gained local and international recognition as we were awarded Energy Winner Prizes for 11 consecutive years and obtained a variety of certifications. ‘Coway Self-Sterilizing Water Purifier’ obtained Korea’s first Carbon Neutral Product Certification, leading efforts to reduce greenhouse gases and achieve low-carbon green growth.